They say a smile is . . .

The prettiest thing you can wear. I say that, given some of the questionable fashion choices I’ve made since becoming a mom (hello pj’s at 2pm!), that’s never been more true.
How To Whiten Teeth Naturally With Turmeric
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Americans spend over a billion dollars a year on over-the-counter tooth whitening products, often without being aware of their risks. Fortunately, we don’t need them – we can simply head to our pantry and most likely find at least one ingredient that whitens naturally. Not only is it a safer option, it’s more affordable, too.
The other, which I’m going to tell you about today, is turmeric, a gorgeous yellow spice that is often used to give mustard it’s bright color. Though these two substances are notorious for staining just about everything else in sight, they actually remove stains from teeth and lighten overall tooth color. I wrote a little about how activated charcoal works in my ebook, but the mechanism behind turmeric is still a mystery. Here’s what you need to know, though:
You may notice an immediate difference with the first application, you may not. But if you’ll do it consistently for a few days to a week, I think you’ll be surprised by how much of a difference it makes. Hey, before you know it you’ll probably be telling your best friend, sister or mom to rub turmeric on their teeth, too!

Will your teeth become so blindingly white that they look like they glow in the dark? No. Many of us are used to seeing ultra-white hollywood smiles, but what’s rarely mentioned is that those smiles are often achieved by applying veneers to the front of natural teeth. It’s just not possible to bleach teeth that white, but it’s not necessary for a gorgeous, healthy looking smile either.
I mean, according to Mother Nature Network, “Former Miss USA Susie Castillo swears by her recipe for homemade toothpaste, which includes turmeric powder. (Though Ms. Castillo seems to have recently changed her website and the link is not longer active)
Now, we’ll get to today’s technique in a second, but first let me tell you . . .

Why I Ditched Tooth Whitening Strips

Years ago, I was so addicted to whitening strips that I would often pop one in after eating on my lunch break. I didn’t know that you’re only supposed to use over-the-counter strips twice-per-year at the very most, and that increasing the frequency comes with risks.
I found out soon enough, though. My teeth started to ache and the tips became slightly translucent, which are both documented side effects of conventional tooth whiteners. “The media has done a good job of making whitening sound innocuous, but it’s not,” Dr. Ira Handschuh, a White Plains, N.Y., dentist, told ABC News.
According to the article,”Carbamide peroxide, the whitening agent in most bleaches, can irritate the gums, causing them to recede, making the teeth brittle, chalky and so thin as to be translucent at the edges when the product is overused.”
What was even more upsetting to me, though, was my teeth faded back to yellow more and more quickly after each treatment, so the more often I used them the less effective they were. Ugh.
Of course, those are just a few of the concerns associated with conventional whitening treatments. The long-term effects are not fully known, but one older study suggests there may be a connection between oral cancer in young adults and the use of tooth whitening products. The study was very small and is not definitive by any means, but a subsequent study on dentist-performed whitening treatments (which use the same basic chemicals, only at higher concentrations) also found potential genotoxic effects.
So how did I break the habit? Well, just around the time I developed tooth sensitivity I discovered real food, ditched the strips, embraced bone broth, and started making my own deodorant and tooth soap.
My health started improving, my teeth became opaque again, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Benefit Of Turmeric For Oral Health

One of the things I learned when starting to make my own beauty products is that using natural ingredients doesn’t just get the bad stuff out, it gets a lot of AMAZING stuff in. Tallow is the perfect food for skin, gelatin (taken both internally and applied directly) strengthens hair, and turmeric – well, it has a ton of benefits.
Not only is it often called the Eastern secret to youthful skin, several studies have suggested that it is highly beneficial for oral health. Study found that it had a positive effect on gingival inflammation, while Journal of Natural Biology, Science & Medicine review concluded that it can be beneficial for dental pain.
In contrast, gum inflammation and receding gums are some of the most common side effects of conventional whiteners. 
So, are you ready to give this natural approach a try? Good!


Now, a quick heads up: Your toothbrush will be stained yellow after this. Personally, I don’t mind – I’d rather have white teeth and a yellow toothbrush than vice versa. Also, turmeric tastes much better in a wellness shot than it does as toothpaste, but I do love the results.


Organic turmeric powder


1. Wet your toothbrush and then dip it in 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder. Brush teeth as normal, but instead of rinsing when you’re done allow the turmeric to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes so that it can do it’s magic.
2. Spit and rinse thoroughly, then follow with a second brushing using your regular tooth powder/toothpaste. If you notice any yellow around the corners of your mouth, wash with soap and it will rinse away. Likewise, if any turmeric powder is left on your teeth or gums it will cause a slight yellow tint, but when the turmeric is fully rinsed away you should notice a brighter, whiter smile. I personally think homemade tooth soap is the most effective at removing the turmeric so you can see the results underneath.
You may notice a difference with the first application. If not, give it a few days to a week – if you’re skeptical I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!



  • 1/4 teaspoon organic turmeric powder 
  • 1/8 teaspoon melted coconut oil 


1. Dip your toothbrush in the paste and brush teeth as normal, but instead of rinsing when you’re done allow the paste to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes so that it can do it’s magic.
2. Spit and rinse thoroughly, then follow with a second brushing using your regular tooth powder/toothpaste. If you notice any yellow around the corners of your mouth, wash with soap and it will rinse away. Likewise, if any turmeric powder is left on your teeth or gums it will cause a slight yellow tint, but when the turmeric is fully rinsed away you should notice a brighter, whiter smile. I personally think homemade tooth soap is the most effective at removing the turmeric so you can see the results underneath.
You may notice a difference with the first application. If not, give it a few days to a week – if you’re skeptical I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
3. Clean your sink if needed. Depending on how absorbent your surface is it may stain if left to clean later.
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