Once upon a time, a young couple went to a chiropractor upon the recommendation of a friend, seeking help for a bad back. It was a bizarre and somewhat helpful experience which caused a few raised eyebrows in our completely non-naturally-minded minds. (That’s a nice way of saying that we thought she was looney tunes cray-cray.)
How to Treat Acid Reflux Naturally (With a Single Surprising Ingredient)
Credit: http://redandhoney.com
This was a few years before we began our journey into real food and natural health awareness, and to be quite frank – we were ignorant. She had a can of diet coke on her receptionist’s desk, and it had a paper skull & crossbones taped on, with the word “poison” emblazoned above. We looked at one another and rolled our eyes.

Like I said – at the time I thought she was cuckoo and way over the top. (My, how things change. I’ll now preach the dangers of the evil aspartame to anyone who’ll listen…)
I still remember the visit fairly vividly. She guessed/knew that Chris had eaten beef for dinner after poking around his mid-section with her hands. That was weird. They talked about him being on a daily prescription medication for acid reflux. It was bad and getting worse – the doctor had already upped his dosage. He didn’t know what to do.
She told him to go home and drink a spoonful of vinegar.
Say what now??!”  Continue Reading  >> Page 2


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