We did all we could to contain the eye rolling and stifled our laughter. Clearly this lady was out to lunch. He has terrible acid reflux, and you want him to drink acid? Ummm, no thanks.
She claimed that the acid reflux was actually being caused from the stomach originally not producing enough acid, and therefore going into over-drive and producing way too much, which causes it to come up the esophagus and creates that horrible burning pain of acid reflux. It was a horrid cycle, which repeated itself daily – hence the prescription meds.
We left the office still thinking she was nuts… but what did we have to lose, really? The acid reflux gets worse for a few hours? We figured it was worth a shot… so we went home and tried it.

The next time the reflux hit at mealtime, he poured apple cider vinegar into a spoon and swallowed it straight.
Ten minutes later… the reflux was gone.
This method continued to work. At first he would have to take a spoonful or two daily. Then it lessened. Eventually he was able to go off the prescription meds altogether.
Now, years later (probably about 7-8 years?) he doesn’t experience acid reflux at all any more. I think he has taken a dose of vinegar maybe once in the last year.
Somewhere along the way we became firm believers in embracing a natural and holistic approach to health, and we have never been healthier or happier. Previous Page


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