Sage is one of the oldest medicinal plants being used since ancient Egypt. By then it was used to stop bleeding wounds and for disinfection, also having curative properties in gastric diseases.
An old proverb says “who has sage in the garden does not need a doctor”, and reality perfectly reflects this sayings. In the garden, it chase away insects that attack carrots, cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes and marjoram.
Dried sage leaves placed in the closet banish insects from the house. Sage essential oil is used in cosmetics, and the leaves are used successfully both in phytotherapy and gastronomy.
Sage can do wonders on beauty chapter, especially on the hair. For example, to maintain the natural color and shine of your hair after washing with regular shampoo, do the final rinse with sage combined with decoction prepared as follows: put 3-4 tablespoons of crushed soaked sage in half a liter of water, for 8-10 hours, then filter this liquid.
The resulting preparation is put aside and the plant left after filtration is boiled in half liter of water for five minutes, then leave to cool and filter. Finally mix the two extracts, yielding approximately one liter of preparation that is used internally (1-2 cups per day) or externally as compresses and baths.
For black hair, a decoction prepared in the same way is recommended, but in a mixture of equal parts of black tea and sage. Salvia is also good for gray hair care, it strengthens and restores its color.
For stained and faded skin with enlarged pores, sage combined with decoction washes are done every morning and evening. Additionally, put on your cheeks a compress with this preparation on the evening, and held it for a quarter of an hour.
Also, teeth rubbed with sage leaves become whiter and brighter, and rinsing your mouth with tea sage ensure efficient cleaning of the oral cavity and, in addition, fresh breath.
Credit: http://www.bestofbeauty.net
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