Stretch Marks are formed as a result of swift stretching of skin or weight changes. They can be commonly seen on waist, lower back, breasts, thighs, arms, buttocks and hips.

Get rid of stretch marks with homemade oil

 In the middle layer (dermis) of the skin, stretch marks start developing when the connective tissue is stretched due to the expansion and contraction of skin resulting in the formation of a fine scar.
Initially they are red or pink in colour and later turn to thin silvery line. The following are useful home remedies to treat stretch marks.
  • Warm olive oil and rub gently on the affected area. This improves blood circulation and stretch marks will get reduced.
  • Apply coconut oil and massage for 15 minutes.
  • Massage with castor oil for 15 minutes and wrap the affected area with thin cloth. Now apply heat with the help of heating pad.
  • Mix equal quantities of Lavender Oil, Almond Oil, and Chamomile Oil and apply on stretch marks.
  • Tea Tree Oil has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Massage gently with Tea Tree oil regularly.
  • Cocoa butter softens and smoothens thereby breaking the scar tissue of the stretch mark.
  • Applying Wheat germ oil helps to treat new stretch marks.
  • Vitamin-E oil is a wonderful therapeutic stretch mark treatment.
  • Argan oil has amazing healing properties that treat stretch marks.
Improving Skin’s elasticity and strength is the best way to avoid the formation of stretch marks.


  1. Everyone can get upset with those scary stretch marks. When the stretch marks come people start searching for the treatment with a different name like- Stretch Marks Cream some of them search with the name Stretch Marks Removal Cream. But the only name cannot make a good product. The Best Stretch Marks removal and prevention cream is formulated with the best formula.. Read More

