Baby Powder
Baby powder actually has many different uses and one of them is to clear up rashes or dry skin. Originally, it was used to keep away diaper rash on babies so it works great to keep away razor or waxing rashes as well. Just sprinkle baby powder on your legs or wherever you plan to shave about 10 minutes before shaving. This is a great remedy for ingrown hairs when you use it before shaving.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil (the pure stuff) is great for a number of skin ailments. You can make a lotion from it and use it to clear up razor burn and many people swear by it for clearing up keratosis pilaris. You just have to rub it onto the skin and let it soak in. It smells absolutely heavenly and does a great job at helping to clear up eczema, dry skin and a number of other skin conditions.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is another cure-all that is great for skin problems. It has cooling properties that are great for dry skin or hair removal bumps. You just have to slather it on the skin and some people prefer to follow up with a rich and thick moisturizer to really expedite the healing properties of the witch hazel.
Kitchen Remedies
Ok, so there are loads of things in your kitchen that you can use for razor bumps and other skin problems. Olive oil has great moisturizing properties. Apple cider vinegar is a great razor burn treatment when mixed with a little water and you can apply plain yogurt to any bumps or keratosis issues. Just rub yogurt into the area about 20 minutes before you bathe and then wash it away in the bath.
Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub
A great recipe for using coconut contains sugar for an effective scrub. If you have keratosis pilaris or you tend to get razor or waxing bumps after hair removal, this great scrub will help to soothe the skin and it smells amazing. You just have to mix 2 tablespoons of regular sugar with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Leave it on for a few minutes before getting into the shower and then just wash away. Previous Page
Credit: diyncrafts.com
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