Boost your body to burn fat. Use this drink and let’s see that fat part ways with your belly.
Let’s see what I have prepared for you now.


  •      1 banana
  •      1 orange
  •      ½ glass low-fat or fat-free yoghurt (Greek Yoghurt)
  •      1 tbsp. coconut oil
  •      ¼ tbsp. ginger powder
  •      2 tbsps. flax seed
  •      2 tbsps. Whey powder


  • Mix them all in your blender. Blend, pour in a glass, drink and enjoy!
I would drink this in the morning. It’s very nutritive and will give me the benefit of having a great day.
Maintain your diet and enrich it with this drink.
Keep up the good work! Previous Page


  1. Is the orange just the segments or the entire orange, peel and all?? I don't have a blender that would filter out the undesirable portion. Thanks!

