Lemon is one of the fruits that can be used for a wide variety of health purposes, including beauty goals. Egyptians believed that they can keep away poisoning if they are eating and drinking lemon on a regular basis. Their belief related to lemon has been highlighted and confirmed by recent scientific research. The health and beauty benefits of lemon for the human body are well-known since hundreds of years and are numerous.

What happens if you apply lemon under your arm
Credit: glamournhealth.com
If we needed to enumerate the most common and best health benefits of lemon, it is crucial to mention that the fruit is popular for its immune system strengthening, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

In terms of dieting, lemon represents an important and powerful ingredient because it can stimulate digestion; this is the reason why it is especially recommended for people who suffer from digestive problems. Another reason why you should have lemon integrated in your diet on a regular basis is that it is able to detoxify the liver, full of toxins and chemicals that you bring into your body through the numerous unhealthy foods that you eat daily. It is easy to admit that along with its health and beauty benefits, lemon is a great dietary agent as well. Continue Reading  >> Page 2


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