Natural Toothpaste for Healing Cavities

Natural Toothpaste for Healing Cavities

6 Tablespoons of virgin coconut oil or red palm oil
1 Tbl baking soda (cheapest brand is fine … all baking soda is already aluminum free)
5 Tbl calcium carbonate
1-2 Tbl bentonite clay
20-30 drops of peppermint essential oil
5-10 drops of lemon essential oil
30 drops of trace minerals
Filtered water as needed

Mix all the ingredients well and store in a glass jar.  If the mixture is too hard or thick, add a few splashes of filtered water to achieve desired consistency.
Suggested Use
Brush teeth twice a day with this natural toothpaste. Before bedtime brushing, add one drop of Lugol’s Iodine to the toothbrush.
Follow protocol to achieve desired results but be sure to consult with a dentist, preferably holistic, to ensure that teeth are healthy and any problem with cavities is truly improving and not worsening.


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