Did you know that there is direct relationship between hormones and weight loss? Your hormones control every aspect of weight loss including your metabolism, where you store your fat, your appetite and even your cravings. This means that any kind of hormonal imbalance may sabotage your weight loss efforts! Sure, skipping potato chips and hitting the treadmill is a trusted way to lose weight, but if your hormones are out of balance you may struggle to lose weight. However if you understand how they work and how to reset them you will be able to lose weight faster.

How to Reset Your Hormones and Melt Fat
Credit: healthyandnaturalworld.com

What is Hormone Resetting?

Hormones are biochemicals that every multicellular organism produces to orchestrate the way your mind and body behaves. They are an essential part of the way males and females get energized, collect fat, combat stress and maintain muscle. Balancing your hormones is a great way to ensure an energetic and happy life, but many people turn to expensive and potentially dangerous supplements to see results.
Dr. Natasha Turner broke ground and gave momentum to a natural wellness movement when she released her book “The Supercharged Hormone Diet”. Turner, a naturopathic expert, has long studied ways to naturally enhance life and weight loss with the right diet and lifestyle changes. In this article I will review some basics behind the complex process of hormone resetting and give a few recipe examples for melting body fat.

It All Starts With Detox

There is a lot to consider when addressing your hormonal imbalances: sleep, exercise, meal frequency, etc. The first thing you should focus on, however, is eating the right foods to flush your body of toxins. Particular foods cause the digestive tract to become irritated, which in turn sets the balance of your hormones off. When this happens, it encourages random food cravings, even when your body doesn’t need the fuel. If you’re eating when you shouldn’t be and your hormones are already unbalanced, you’ll be accumulating fat and preventing it from leaving. A proper diet can help detox your body with foods that have beneficial anti inflammatory properties.
Food to Avoid
Dr. Turner recommends that if you are allergic to any type of food, even on a relatively harmless level, cut it from your diet. You should also keep away from foods that have a high glycemic index, as they will encourage the food cravings described above. These include foods that are rich in carbs and sugar like white bread, soda, baked goods, pasta and most processed foods.
Food to Eat
A rule of thumb, according to Dr. Turner, is to eat food with low glycemic index to keep hormones balanced. Foods that are high in fiber such as bananas, artichokes, raisins, oatmeal, beans and nuts will help keep your digestive tract from irritation. A rule of thumb when it comes to detox is getting enough water each day. Drinking approximately eight cups every day will help boost your metabolism and give your body a medium to flush out the unwanted toxins in the liver and body.

Targeting Specific Fat Areas

Sometimes people have fat deposits that are more problematic than others. Stubborn areas might seem to always remain chubby because of biological misfortunes. There are certain types of supplements and food that you can use to target individual fat areas. And here is what Dr. Turner recommends:
The Belly
We all have ab muscles, it’s the fat on the stomach that keeps them from showing. Studies have suggested that too much cortisol could be a major factor behind the accumulation of stomach fat. Holy basil is an Indian herb that helps maintain healthy cortisol levels and is commonly taken in capsule form. Foods for reducing cortisol include spinach, citrus, nuts, beans and barley.

The Back
Fat on the back and upper trunk is less common than stomach fat but equally as challenging to take on. It’s also a likely indication that you have high insulin levels. Foods containing conjugated linoleic acid such as milk, yogurt, cheese and beef will help. You should also lean toward whole-grain options and green vegetables.
The Butt
Some people like big butts, but everyone has a limit. If you have excess body fat on your bottom, it could be due to high levels of estrogen. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are high in estrogen-blocking phytochemicals. Chia, flax and sesame seeds have polyphenols that get rid of estrogen in the bloodstream. Pomegranates and red grapes are good fruit choices for lower estrogen levels as well. Continue Reading  >> Page 2


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