Yoga is the best form of physical workout that helps to reduce the abdominal fat, controlling both your mind and body. It also has a long term effect. Some of the yoga asanas that can help you reduce the belly fat are as follows:
1. Forward Bend (Padahastasana):
Keeping the spine erect and inhaling deeply, you need to lift the hands upwards. Then while exhaling you should bend forward to bring the body parallel to the floor, and then bring down the upper portion of the body so that the palms touch the ground. Then you should try to touch the ankles with the hands. Keeping in this position, you should tuck your tummy in and hold the breath for sixty to ninety seconds. Then slowly exhaling, you need to release the hands and bring your body to the original position. This asana completely compress the abdomen and burns fat.
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2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana):
This asana improves the blood circulation in the body apart from reducing the excess fat from the belly. You need to stand with the feet flat and heels slightly spread out. The big toes should be in contact with each other. Keeping the spine straight, and hands on either side, you should stretch the hands forward and join both the palms. Then with deep inhale, you should stretch the spine and at the same time raise the folded palms above your head. You also have to try lifting the ankles and keep standing on the toes. This stretches the body as much as possible. You need to continue breathing normally and hold onto this pose for twenty to thirty seconds. Then slowly exhale and bring back your feet and hands to the first position slowly. You should repeat this asana 10 times, taking a gap of 10 seconds before each set.
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3. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar):
This asana is actually a confluence of 12 yoga postures, each of which creates a major impact on the abdominal region, along with other areas of the body. The deep breathing during the asana helps in detoxification as well. The bending and stretching help the whole body muscle function and tone. You can start with five rounds, gradually increasing the rounds over time. After each repetition, you can sip a little amount of water. You should relax for 15 seconds before each repetition.
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Great Post! I have read it fully. This is a very inspiring article for me. Thank you so much. You can also check about health benefits of Mountain Pose